KBB#52 Kue Sarang Semut (Caramel Cake ala Indonesia)

Another baking challenge this month. When I received the email, I was so excited. I never knew this cake existed. So I surfed the web, wanting to know more. There were so many recipes and mixed reviews were given, but 1 thing was for sure, I needed a chiffon cake pan for the recipe to work.

The recipe given in the challenge was (In Indonesian):

Logo KBB  # 52 - Kue Sarang Semut


Resep/Recipe: Iis Zainal Abidin

Ini resep jadoel, pakai takaran cangkir gelas belimbing (vol ± 200 ml)

Bahan A/Ingredient A:

2 cangkir/cup         gula pasir, dibuat karamel (I used 225g granulated sugar made into caramel)

3 cangkir/cup        air, dimasak, kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam karamel. Dinginkan (I used 250ml hot water from the dispenser and added to the caramel. Let cool)

Bahan B/Ingredient B:

2 cangkir/cup         tepung terigu, ayak (I used 240g flour, and added the 2tsp of baking soda here)

Bahan C:

8 bh/pieces         telur/egg

2 sdm/tbsp         mentega/margarin, lelehkan/melted butter

2 sdt/tsp              soda kue/baking soda

½ kaleng/can    susu kental manis, campur dengan mentega/margarin cair (I used 4 sachets chocolate condensed milk and mixed with the melted butter. I had to reheat the mixture because the melted butter started to curdle. I took so longgg to re-make the caramel and the mixture had waited for too long)


  1. Kocok telur dengan whisk/whisk the egg
  2. Tambahkan campuran susu/add the milk mixture.
  3. Tambahkan cairan karamel/add the caramel.
  4. Masukkan tepung terigu dan soda kue/add the flour and baking soda.
  5. Tuang ke dalam loyang tulban yang sudah diolesi mentega/margarin dan tepung tipis-tipis/pour into chiffon baking pan greased with butter and coated with light flour.
  6. Panggang suhu 180oC selama 45 menit/baked at 180C for 45 minutes.

After I purchased the chiffon pan, I washed it and let it sit quietly in the corner. 2 weeks passed since that day. I had forgotten about the challenge. Well, I was busy taking care of my husband and my boy. My husband caught a very bad flu, then my boy got it too. Thank God, they are both recovering very well.

Anyways, I made it today. And boy did I get to a very good start. I burnt my caramel. (Curse #$%# curse %$#@). What is it with caramel??? I did not stir the sugar and yet it burned. So the second time I stirred and I stirred…and guess what..it worked…my husband helped to pour the hot water. He convinced me that the caramel will melt (I doubted him and gave him a little “what do you know” speech). Yet, he was right (haha…I was so sorrrryyyyyyyyy..I did apologized though).

Got the rest of the method done pretty quickly. Some flour was not whisked thoroughly. I used a spatula to kinda scrape the side, but after a minute or so, I decided what the heck..just put it in the oven and see the result without overthinking about it.

Du..du..du..waited…waited…ding ding…timer went off. Yes!! 45 minutes had gone by and I could smell the cake. Oh yeah…I put my oven thermometer wayyyy to close to the pan. The thermometer made a dent in the cake hehehe.

Got the cake out, let it cool for a while then I turned it upside down. Looked nice.

Sliced it open…took a few slices…took a few pictures…then caught my husband picking up slices after slices into his mouth…haha..glad you like it dear.

Here are the pictures (can’t really see the anthill, the pores..but it tasted good anyways):

NB: I am trypophobia.  Thank God, the cake did not look like a real anthill.

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Logo Lulus KBB 52 Kue Sarang Semut (Caramel Cake)




About deviani

Just plain simple me..trying to enjoy life as it goes... Full time job as sales...part timenya bikin kue...loves to experiment...and eat!
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